Former Research Division Director
Thierry Tardy is a former Director of the Research Division at the NATO Defense College (Rome). Previously he held senior research and management positions at the EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) in Paris, the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), and the Foundation for Strategic Research in Paris.
His fields of expertise include NATO’s policy and adaptation, the European Union Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), NATO-EU relations, the politics of crisis management, UN peace operations, and French security and defense policy.
He has published eight books and more than 150 articles or book chapters. His recent publications include: The Nations of NATO. Shaping the Alliance’s Relevance and Cohesion (edited), Oxford University Press, Oct. 2022; “War in Europe: preliminary lessons” (ed.), NDC Research Paper No.23, May 2022; “NATO’s new Strategic Concept” (ed.), NDC Research Paper No.25, Sept. 2022; “NATO 2030: new technologies, new conflicts, new partnerships” (ed.), NDC Research Paper No.17, NATO Defense College, Feb. 2021; French Interventions in Africa: Reluctant Multilateralism (co-edited with S. Recchia, Routledge, 2021); “The risks of NATO’s maladaptation”, European Security, 2020; “French military operations in Africa: Reluctant multilateralism”, Journal of Strategic Studies, Special Issue, vol.43, no.4, 2020 (with S. Recchia); “NATO’s Approach to Peace Operations and Peacebuilding”, in O. Richmond and G. Visoka (eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021; “COVID19: NATO in the age of pandemics”, NDC Research Paper, no. 9, NATO Defense College, May 2020; “NATO at 70: No time to retire”, NDC Research Paper, no. 8, NATO Defense College, Jan. 2020; “The EU and NATO: The Essential Partners” (ed. with G. Lindström), NDC Research Paper, no. 5, NATO Defense College, Sept. 2019; “Does European defence really matter? Fortunes and misfortunes of the Common Security and Defence Policy”, European Security, vol. 27, no. 2, 2018, pp. 119-137; The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (Oxford University Press, 2015, 908 p., co-edited with J. Koops, N. McQueen and P. Williams).
Thierry Tardy holds a PhD in Political Science. He has taught at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (HEID, Geneva), the War College in Paris, the Sorbonne, the Paris School of International Affairs (Sciences Po) and the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations (INALCO, Paris). He is also Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges and Natolin.
He is a Laureate of the 62nd National Session of the Institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN, 2009-2010).
For a complete list of his publications outside of the NDC, see List of publications