The Members’ Administration Section (MAS)
- English
- French
The main task of Members' Section is to provide a wide range of information, services and support to all NATO Defense College Course Members and families, in order to facilitate their visit and to make it pleasant, productive and memorable.

The Section is primarily responsible for:
What can you expect from the Section:
- The first point of entry for all Course Members’ and National POC’s;
- Providing general administrative information concerning the Courses (before and during the Courses);
- Organizing the general in-processing and out-processing of Course Members (CMs);
- Providing administrative support and language assistance to Course Members and families, liaising with the related Italian services or authorities;
- Solving problems related to non-academic and national issues;
- Providing general cultural support and information on Rome and Italy;
- Providing support for accommodation to subsidized Course Members only;
- Helping organize all the social activities of the Courses (including International Evening, Sports Afternoon, End-of-Course Ball, National Days);
- Providing support to the Spouse Programme’s tours and activities;
- Assisting with non-hosted Italian classes for Course Members and spouses.
- Managing and updating the Anciens' database, containing details of approximately 8700 Anciens;
- Supporting and organizing the yearly Anciens' Seminar (a non-hosted, subsidized two-day event), generally held in October. The format is as follows:
- the traditional Anciens' Reception with dinner, held on Thursday evening in order to let the Anciens have time to socialize and enjoy the evening together;
- the Anciens' Seminar, held on Friday, with a panel of eminent speakers addressing a topic of current interest, followed by a discussion period. The Anciens' Seminar is an integral part of the Senior Course, and is attended by all Senior Course Members;
- the meeting of the Secretaries of the National Anciens' Associations and the Annual General Meeting of the Anciens' Association, on Friday;
- An optional, non-hosted cultural programme for Anciens' spouses, on Friday.