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NDC - Education NDC Web site – Education – Academic Partnership with the University of Leicester (UK)

Academic Partnership with the University of Leicester (UK)

  • 11 Feb. 2025
  • |
  • Last updated: 7 November 2022

The University of Leicester, a leading provider of distance learning, postgraduate study in the United Kingdom, has agreed to partner the NDC in facilitating a range of postgraduate studies for SC CMs at significantly discounted fees. There is also the opportunity, subject to meeting acceptance criteria, for PhD Study by separate arrangement.

The University of Leicester’s School of History, Politics and International Relations have assessed the NDC’s current academic curriculum as exceeding requirements for their Master’s module entitled “Strategy in the Modern World”, and through Accredited Prior Experience and Learning (APEL) principles, have offered a Master’s module credit on completion of the SC. This offer is without additional CM effort, to thereafter engage in a varying level of additional postgraduate study. The SC credit is valid for 5 years. Study can commence in parallel to the SC, or sequentially. The closing date for applications for the semester that begins in September 2017 is 28 August 2017; payment is required by 1 September 2017, before study commences.

Academic Partnership with the University of Leicester (UK)

Method of Study

Distance learning modules start in March and September each year, coincident with the SC, and last approximately 3.5 months. In general, the workload for a module is to read a minimum of two academic articles each week over a 10-week period, covering different topics, and then to engage through online chat-rooms with other students and academic staff. A 1,300-word academic paper critique delivers 20% of the overall module mark, with the remaining 80% allocated to a 5,000 word essay on a subject selected from a list of titles advertised at the start of each module. A full Master’s culminates with a 15,000 word dissertation. There is a window of 2 to 4 years to complete a full Master’s programme.

Postgraduate Study Options

The options for postgraduate study are the following:

  1. Postgraduate Certificate.Select from one of the Core Modules below: on gaining the minimum of a pass, a Postgraduate Certificate is awarded. This option is considered to benefit those already holding a Master’s, as evidence of continued personal academic development or of academic study in a second language. Effort reduction is 50% compared to non-NDC graduates on a similar programme.

  2. Postgraduate Diploma. Select one Core Master’s Module and then complete and pass an additional 2 Option Modules from the list below, which are Core subject-related. The effort reduction is 25% for SC CMs.

  3. Full Master’s. As per a Postgraduate Diploma, plus a Dissertation pass. Effort reduction remains 25% in relation to non-SC graduates.

Core Modules

The following Core Master’s Modules are available and relevant to Postgraduate Certificates, Diplomas and Full Master’s studies:

•International Security Studies
•Politics of Conflict and Violence
•Politics in the EU

•International Relations & World Order
•Human Rights & Global Ethics
•Diplomatic Studies

Note: There is also a Master’s in “Intelligence and Security”. This specific field of study does not attract the SC credit, but SC CMs are offered a 10% fee discount.

Option Modules

The following Option Modules are offered to complete a Postgraduate Diploma or a Full Master’s programme. Option Module selection is related to the Core Module undertaken and availability of Option Modules varies per semester, subject to a minimum number of students enrolling.

• American Interventionism after the Cold War
• Diplomatic Systems
• The Art of Negotiation
• Theories of International Relations
• The International Politics of Protection
• EU Enlargement & Democratic Consolidation in
Post-Communist Europe
• Europe as a Global Actor
• The Politics of Human Rights
• Democracy and Legitimacy in the European Union
• The Politics of European Integration

• Intelligence and Security
• Governance and Corruption
• Euroscepticism
• The Politics of Conflict and Violence
• Gender in Global Perspective
•The Transformation of Modern Warfare
•The Politics of Global Modern Nuclear Order
•The Politics of Violent Conflict & its Legacies in Northern Ireland
• Political Economy of International Development


There is a requirement for those with English as a second language to provide proof of meeting a minimum IELTS score >6.5, or take the University’s English language assessment test prior to enrolling.

It must be stressed that this becomes an individual relationship with the University of Leicester, with funding either provided by the individual or nationally, and not NATO. Payment is required before study can commence.

SC and Anciens can find further details and a bespoke NDC application process on the Academic Portal.

Please note that this agreement is ONLY available to current participants and graduates of the NATO Defense College Senior Course.
Colonel Eric de Landmeter is the POC ONLY for these individuals.

For advise (ONLY current participants and graduates of the NDC Senior Course) you may reach Colonel Eric de Landmeter, NLD A, at [email protected] .

All other interested parties must contact the University of Leicester directly.