NRCC 28 visits JFC NAPLES for Field Study 2
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On 17 and 18 October 2022, NATO Regional Cooperation Course 28 began Field Study 2, visiting the Allied Joint Force Command in Naples (JFC Naples) and attending various briefings at the Strategic Direction South HUB (NSD-S).
Upon arrival, the Dean of the NATO Defense College (NDC), Dr. Christopher Schnaubelt, held an office call with the Deputy Chief of Staff - Operations, Major General Frédéric Boucher and the NSD-S HUB Director, Brigadier General Aydin Kiliç.
The day began with welcome remarks by the NSD-SHUB Director, Brigadier-General Aydin Kiliç. He thanked the delegation for visiting JFC Naples and highlighted the importance of the visit:
“To connect, coordinate and contribute to NATO activities by understanding activities in the MENA and Sub Saharan region,” said Kilic. “We want to integrate your point of view as partner nations into NATO, this is a unique opportunity for both of us”.
Afterwards, the JFC Naples Command Mission Brief was introduced by Captain Joshua Foley. He spoke of the history of JFCNP, the Allies, its tasks, and ongoing operations and responsibilities. The presentation was then followed by a Q&A session.
Afterwards, Lieutenant-Colonel William Pouvreau, briefed course members on the J33 Joint Operations Center’s (JOC) structure and mission, and the NATO Common Operating Picture (NCOP).
Next, Major Yalcin Bakar gave his presentation on the NATO Mission in Iraq (NMI). The presentation was followed by a Q&A session.
The last briefer of day 1, Lieutenant-Commander Stephen Oswald, presented the JFCNP Military Partnership that focusses on NATO partnership objectives.
This first day of Field Study 2 at the JFCNP concluded with closing remarks from a Course Member of Committee 1.
After a pleasant evening in Naples, the NDC delegation was welcomed at JFCNP by Lieutenant-Colonel Ricardo Lopes on Day 2.
The first briefing was presented by Colonel Jose Mallasen who gave a general overview of the NSD-S Hub, including its structure, plans and policy. The introduction to the Hub was then followed by a detailed overview by Major Dave Landcraft, Lieutenant Colonel Franck Lopez, Lieutenant Colonel Miguel Seabra and Ms Erica Monticone. They explained how Civil-Military Engagement and Coordination Section operates, their latest engagements, and their ongoing projects.
The NSD-S Hub methodology was then introduced by Mr. Andrea Grazioso, Ms. Sabina Avasiloae and Mr. Marton Hegedus. Their presentations focused on “structure analytic techniques”, the role of children in violent extremist organizations in the Middle East and Africa, and the contagion of violent extremism in West African coastal states.
The last day at JFCNP concluded with closing remarks by Aydin Kiliç who declared that “if partners are secured, NATO is secured”. Successful partnership, he stated, is based on input, feedback and cooperation among NATO nations and partners.