Graduation Ceremony of NATO Regional Cooperation Course 30
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On 3 November 2023, the 30th NATO Regional Cooperation Course (NRCC 30) marked the culmination of its 10-week academic journey. Members of the diplomatic, defence, and international community gathered to celebrate the graduation of 34 Course Members from NATO Member and partner countries. The graduation of NRCC 30 is more than just an academic event: it is the celebration and conclusion of an academic period defined by the power of transcending borders, fostering unity and consensus, and paving the way to a brighter, and more secure tomorrow.
The primary mission of NRCC 30 is to establish a connection between the countries of the Mediterranean Dialogue (MD), Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) countries and our partners from the broader Middle East region with NATO countries. This connection is forged through a comprehensive analysis of security concerns at the strategic level, which have an impact on both the region and NATO as a whole.
Opening the ceremony, the NDC Dean, Dr. Christopher M. Schnaubelt, reviewed some key moments of the preceding ten weeks, and accentuated the profound importance of the community that learned and worked together during this formative period.
The Dean gave the floor to the distinguished guest speaker, His Excellency Mr Jan Björklund, Sweden's Ambassador to Italy. He honoured the event with his Graduation Address, a reminder of the importance of unity within the Alliance and cooperation with partners in order to face contemporary challenges. Ambassador Björklund underscored the core values that bind NATO countries: freedom and democracy. In his words, "NATO is not just a military alliance. It is an alliance of countries with like-minded values. NATO's main purpose is to defend freedom and democracy." He also conveyed that unity is the cornerstone of strength. "When we are divided, we are weak, but when we stand united, we are strong."
That is precisely the core mission of the NRCC programme: an educational journey that brings together Course Members from different nationalities (NATO Allies and partners) to debate and learn more about topics of shared concern. Course Members come together in an environment where they can express their viewpoints freely and work together to reach decisions based on consensus. These are essential skills for addressing the major challenges that NATO and the broader international community are facing.
In his farewell address, Senior Colonel Salah Skander Zamuri, President of the NRCC 30, highlighted the substantial achievements realized throughout the Course. Expressing deep gratitude to the NATO Defense College and NRCC 30 for the enriching academic journey of learning, cooperation, and mutual understanding, he stated, "We have completed this exceptional academic course, which has afforded us a unique opportunity to augment our knowledge and understand crucial strategic, geopolitical, social, cultural, and security-related issues with global implications for NATO and the world at large."
He also said, "Beyond the academic pursuits, we have cultivated bonds of friendship, established trust among ourselves, and demonstrated a remarkable capacity for effective cooperation." In conclusion, the Graduation Ceremony assembled a distinguished audience, comprising ambassadors to Rome, diplomats, defence attachés, Italian military authorities, and the families of the Course Members. This memorable gathering marked the culmination of NRCC 30.