North Atlantic Council visits the NATO Defense College
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On 17 April 2024, the NATO Defense College (NDC) welcomed the North Atlantic Council (NAC), the principal political decision-making body within NATO, which brings together representatives of each member country and oversees the political and military processes relating to security issues. This visit was an opportunity for the NAC to learn more about the NDC’s priorities and activities, and to see for themselves how the College contributes to NATO’s effectiveness and cohesion.

Led by Ambassador Marco Peronaci, Italy’s Permanent Representative to NATO, the delegation was welcomed by NDC Commandant Lieutenant General Max A.L.T. Nielsen and the NDC Dean, Dr Christopher M. Schnaubelt. The Commandant kick-started the visit with a presentation of the College’s core tasks and objectives, centred around building human interoperability through networks and partnerships. He emphasized the College’s commitment to supporting the Alliance through education, engagement and research, the three pillars of the NDC’s work.
After the Commandant’s introduction, NAC representatives delved into the NDC’s main education objectives and how the courses offered by the College prepare future NATO leaders to operate efficiently within a multinational, political-military environment. Designed to enhance cohesion and transatlantic solidarity, the NDC curriculum also helps Course Members develop their networking and negotiation skills in order for them to successfully navigate NATO’s consensus-based decision-making processes.
Moreover, the delegation was presented with an overview of the College’s engagement activities and the NDC’s role in solidifying NATO’s partnerships around the world by engaging with a wide network of actors, including NATO Allied and partner nations as well as non-NATO entities. By promoting interoperability and contributing to capacity-building, the College helps foster a better understanding of NATO’s shared values, interests and policies.
Finally, the delegation received first-hand insights into the NDC’s research objectives with a presentation by the Head of the NDC Research Division, Dr Florence Gaub. Dr Gaub underscored how the Research Division, as NATO’s think tank, supports the Alliance’s strategic-level decision-making by providing actionable, original, evidence-based and forward-looking research. This briefing was also an opportunity for the College to introduce the delegation to the newest direction taken by the Research Division, with its new Insight and Outlook publications exploring future global challenges to which the Alliance must adapt in order to remain relevant and efficient in addressing emerging threats.
After these briefings providing them with a comprehensive overview of the College’s activities, members of the NAC delegation took part in an insightful discussion with the lecturers about the added value of the College to the objectives of the Alliance. During this discussion, they had a fruitful exchange of views on how the NDC’s work can further contribute to NATO’s enhanced readiness and capacity in today’s ever-evolving environment, and how it can shape current and future global security through strategic-level education.