Date | Title | |
02 Oct. 2023 |
Senior Course 143 continues its Field Study in the USA: visit to the UN Headquarters in New York City.The NATO Defense College delegation has flown to the United States, beginning the transatlantic portion of Field Study 1. On 29 September 2023, Course Members visited the UN Headquarters, in New York City, where they attended a series of high-level security and defence briefings, addressing future challenges for UN peacekeeping operations and prospects for greater UN-NATO cooperation in this field. |
28 Sep. 2023 |
Senior Course 143 and NATO Regional Cooperation Course 30 Field Study: visit to the European Commission in BrusselsOn 27 September 2023, the delegation led by NDC Commandant LGEN Max A.L.T. Nielsen paid a visit to the European Union Military Staff (EUMS) and the European External Action Service (EEAS). At the Charlemagne building, Course Members were given the great opportunity to enjoy in-depth briefings and discussions on EU-related matters and cooperation projects with NATO. |
27 Sep. 2023 |
Senior Course 143 and NATO Regional Cooperation Course 30 kick-start their Field Study with a trip to BrusselsOn 25 and 26 September 2023, both Courses visited NATO HQ and SHAPE, a two-day visit where Course Members gained a thorough understanding of NATO’s perspective on political and military consultation processes and key security policy issues. |
25 Sep. 2023 |
Mubarak Al Abdullah Joint Command and Staff College, Kuwait – Faculty OrientationFrom 20 to 22 September 2023, a delegation of 3 guests from the Mubarak Al Abdullah Joint Command and Staff College (MAJCSC), led by its Commandant, Brigadier Faisal Al-Shemmari, visited the NATO Defense College (NDC). |
20 Sep. 2023 |
Visit by Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Minister of Defence, Mr Zukan HELEZOn 20 September 2023, the NATO Defense College (NDC) welcomed the Minister of Defence of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Zukan Helez. |
15 Sep. 2023 |
Modular Short Course on “Contemporary NATO” (MSC 143-2)From 11 to 15 of September, the NATO Defense College welcomed Modular Short Course 143-2 (MSC 143-2), the theme of which centered on "Contemporary NATO”. Running concomitantly with the Senior Course 143, the Course examines how challenging the operational environment is and how NATO progressively adapts to remain effective in the years ahead. |
08 Sep. 2023 |
Modular Short Course on “Contemporary NATO” (MSC 143-1)From 4 to 8 September 2023, the NATO Defense College welcomed Modular Short Course 143-1, that focused on "Contemporary NATO”. The Course, which ran concurrently with Senior Course 143, examines how NATO adjusts to its constantly evolving and demanding operational environment in order to be present and relevant now and in the years ahead. |
22 Aug. 2023 |
Inauguration Ceremony of Senior Course 143 and NATO Regional Cooperation Course 30On 29 August 2023, the NATO Defense College (NDC) inaugurated Senior Course 143 and NATO Regional Cooperation Course 30 during a ceremony attended by the Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (DSACEUR), Admiral Sir Keith Blount, who delivered the keynote address. |
13 Jul. 2023 |
Graduation Ceremony of Senior Course 142 and Change of Command at the NDCOn 13 July 2023, the NATO Defense College celebrated the graduation of Senior Course 142 and the Change of Command from Lieutenant General Olivier Rittimann to Lieutenant General Max A.L.T. Nielsen. |
10 Jul. 2023 |
Senior Course 142: Committee Study Project PresentationsMembers of Senior Course (SC) 142 presented their Committee Study Projects (CSPs) on 6 and 7 July at the NATO Defense College. |