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NDC - Engagement NDC Web site - Engagement - Conference of Commandants – 47 Edition, Zagreb (Croatia)

Conference of Commandants – 47 Edition, Zagreb (Croatia)

  • 11 Feb. 2025
  • |
  • Last updated: 2 July 2018

The 47th Conference of Commandants took place at the Croatian Defence Academy “Dr Franjo Tuđman”, from 29 to 31 May 2018.

 Participants to the 47th Conference of Commandants at the Croatian Defence Academy “Dr Franjo Tuđman”

The 47th Conference of Commandants (CoC) was co-hosted by the NATO Defense College (NDC) and the Croatian Defense Academy “Dr. Franjo Tuđman” and took place in Zagreb, Croatia, from Tuesday 29 May to Thursday 31 May 2018. This is the second time that the Conference of Commandants was held on Croatia, the first one took place in Pula in 2007 before the adhesion of Croatia to NATO.

This year the Conference has been able to count with the participation, not only of the NATO countries but of numerous NATO Partner countries plus Taiwan. The 2018 edition was again a key moment for sharing NATO’s and Partners’s understanding of Professional Military Education (PME), as well as the realities and challenges that our nations are facing in this domain.

With more than 140 participants representing 41 countries, 74 national institutions, 9 International organizations/Technical institutes and 10 NATO institutions/agencies, the Conference of Commandants 2018 has reached record numbers, proving that it is one of the NDC’s most important annual outreach events, bringing together Defence Academies, War Colleges and civilian institutions. This unique forum is an important rendez-vous for the Allies and Partners defence education establishments, as they have the opportunity to share lessons learnt in the educational domain, build strong ties between participating institutions, and develop partnerships between their representatives. It also represents a milestone for the NDC in better analysing what nations require and how the College can adjust its curriculum and adapt its syllabus to fit the nations’ needs.

This year’s theme, "Innovation in the classroom", has offered an occasion for Commandants and delegations from strategic military educational institutions to discuss the impact of new technologies on Senior Professional Military Education. It gave us the opportunity to appreciate state of the art teaching methods being developed and provided through the latest advances in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).