Conference of Commandants – 48 Edition, Rome (Italy)
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The 48th NATO Conference of Commandants (CoC) was held at the Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa (CASD) in Rome, from Tuesday, 28 to Thursday, 30 May 2019. Entitled “Leadership in NATO - Challenges for the Future”, the Conference explored the educational requirements of future military leaders.

The essential issue addressed at CoC 2019 can be summed up as follows: “How do we link the future security environment with the next generation of leaders, in order to enable them to think strategically, innovatively and effectively, empowering them to operate within the future security environment?”
Conference participants came from NATO countries and a range of partner countries. With more than 170 participants representing 47 countries, 61 national institutions, 6 International organizations and 5 NATO institutions/agencies, CoC 2019 set new records for attendance, confirming the event’s unique status as the NDC’s most important annual outreach activity in the field of Professional Military Education. Participating institutions included Defence Academies, War Colleges, and civilian institutions educating senior leaders in defence, military and security studies.