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NDC - Portals NDC Web site – Portals –NDC Anciens’ Association

NDC Anciens’ Association

  • Last updated: 21 May 2024

The NDC Anciens’ Association is made up of almost 9,000 former Course and Former Staff Members, who have attended the College since its foundation, many of whom hold or have held strategic positions within the Alliance. “Anciens” is the historic name given to the Association at the time the College was located in Paris.

 NDC Anciens' Portal

The NDC Anciens have a key role in promoting the Alliance and the NATO Defense College’s activities and interests. The contacts and friendships that the Anciens maintain with the College, also thanks to the Annual Conference & Seminar, and the new links they forge with Course Members, Faculty and Staff during Field Studies all provide a good measure of continuity with the College.

The Anciens are currently grouped together into 23 National Associations, 3 Headquarters Associations and 2 points of contact, each of which is run by a Secretary and managed by a President with whom the College is frequently in contact.


Anciens’ Portal

(If you are an Ancien and you cannot access the Anciens’ Portal, please send an e-mail to the NDC Anciens’ Team)


NDC Anciens’ Team
Via Giorgio Pelosi, 1, 00143, Rome – Italy
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: (+39) 06.50.525 + 240