“The Biden Administration and NATO” – Research Division webinar
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On 26 February 2021, the NDC Research Division held a webinar on “The Biden Administration and NATO”.

On the first panel, Dr. Robin Niblett (Chatham House), Amb. Pierre Vimont (Carnegie Europe), Prof. Soli Ozel (Kadir Has University) and Dr. Michael O'Hanlon (Brookings) examined U.S. relations with its Allies and the role Washington plays in the New Transatlantic agenda recently framed by the EU Commission. They discussed the challenges of the new administration from the point of view of the Alliance.
On the second panel, Mrs. Laurel Miller (ICG), Mr. Emile Hokayem (IISS), Mrs. Ellie Geranmayeh (ECFR) and Dr. Luigi Scazzieri (CER) explored the role of the U.S. in NATO's South, including the current Afghan negotiations; the status of the JCPOA with Iran; the future military footprint in Iraq and Syria; and major issues concerning Mediterranean security.
NDC Commandant, LGEN Olivier Rittimann, and Director of the Research Division, Dr. Thierry Tardy, delivered the opening and welcome remarks. Mr. Patrick Turner, Assistant Secretary General, Defense Policy Planning at NATO HQ, and the Dean, Dr. Stephen Mariano delivered the closing remarks. A policy brief on the topic by Dr. Cynthia Salloum will be published in the coming weeks.