Net Assessment: Knowledge, Experience and Implications for NATO – Research Division Webinar
- English
- Français
On March 18, the NATO Defense College's Research Division hosted a webinar on ‘NATO and Net Assessment’, the well-known strategic analysis approach popularized by the late legendary Andrew Marshall with his Office of Net Assessment in the U.S. Department of Défense, from the early 1970s onwards.

The workshop saw participants from the U.S. Office of Net Assessment, the UK Strategic Net Assessment, as well as some of the most prominent scholars and practitioners on the topic. In November 2030, the Group of Experts appointed by the NATO Secretary General, recommended that the Atlantic Alliance should strengthen its net assessment capabilities. The workshop explored the history, methods and results of net assessment and participants discussed its advantages, as well as the challenges involved. The goal is to further contribute to the ongoing strategic discussion on NATO 2030.