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NDC - Organization NDC Web site - Organization Senior Non-Resident Associate Fellow
  • Last updated: 12 Sep. 2024 14:30

Senior Non-Resident Associate Fellow

Dr Nanae Baldauff

Nanae Baldauff

Dr Nanae Baldauff is Senior Associate Fellow at the NATO Defense College, and Associate Research Fellow at the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) in Belgium. She is also affiliated as Senior Researcher at Keio Research Institute at SFC, Japan.

She is the author of a monograph “Japan’s Defense Engagement in the Indo-Pacific: Deterrence, Strategic Partnership, and Stable Order Building (Springer, 2024). She has published peer-reviewed articles, numerous research papers, and policy briefs, on topics covering space security and defence industry. She has given lectures at numerous universities including courses at the NDC. She served as academic mentor at the College.

Nanae obtained a Ph.D. in Political Science (Ghent University, Belgium), in 2022. She is a recipient of the Japan Foundation fellowship (2021). Nanae was Research Fellow at the NDC (2024), the first Japanese national to be awarded this position at the College. Additionally, she serves on the board of International Security Industry Council Japan.