NATO Defense College Mission
In response to Strategic Guidance issued to the NATO Defense College (NDC) by the North Atlantic Council and the Military Committee (MC123/10), The Mission of the NATO Defense College is:

To contribute to the effectiveness and cohesion of the Alliance primarily through senior-level education, on transatlantic security issues, enabled by research on matters relevant to the Alliance, and supported by engagement with Allies, Partners and Non-NATO Entities (NNEs), with a 360 degrees approach.
The NDC objectives are to develop critical, creative, and strategic thinking on the key issues facing the Alliance. In line with the NDC aim, the NDC has a primary objective to provide military and civilian officials with senior-leader education on NATO issues while developing multi-national consensus-building skills and enhancing Alliance cohesion by providing networking opportunities in a multi-cultural setting.
The NDC also has two additional objectives:
- Conducts research on matters of interest to the Alliance and ensures that research supports NDC academic programmes;
- Undertakes engagement activity with a variety of designated stakeholders to support the Alliance’s strategic objectives and to promote its values;
The scope of NDC’s education, research and engagement activities includes:
- Promoting the Alliance's shared values and interests, current and prospective missions, politico-military concepts, policies, organization and working methods and contributing to the cohesion of the Alliance by reinforcing the Alliance solidarity;
- Analysing potential risks and considering opportunities to the security of the Alliance and its members;
- Addressing NATO's transformation and adaptation, including defence planning and resource management;
- Understanding the political, security, defence and socio-economic systems and interests of the Allies and Partners; their capabilities, limitations and prospects in international relations;
- Examining the role of, and interaction with, other key security-related international organizations;
- Conducting research, policy support and discussions on security issues;
- Fostering effective communication using both English and French languages;
- Engaging with NATO Entities, designated Partners including academic relationships, and Non-NATO Entities as detailed in Section VI, in line with relevant policies and procedures.